Child and Adolescent Therapy

A youth’s mental health plays a crucial role in their physical and intellectual development and is as important as physical health in affecting how they think, feel, and act. Most parents wouldn’t hesitate to consult a physician for their child's medical needs, in fact, not doing so would be considered negligent. Likewise, the informed parent also recognizes when their child may benefit from speaking to a professional and understands that such intervention is not, in any way, a sign of parental failure, but rather a sign of parental advocacy for the wellbeing of their child.
TheraCorp’s specialized clinicians possess knowledge and skills at helping children develop a strong sense of self, emotional strength, good relationships and good communication skills. Therapy offers youths the opportunity to identify, discuss and understand their specific issues and to develop essential coping skills, as well as, addresses parental concerns, educates parents regarding their child's needs, provides advocacy for accommodating those needs on a school level and assists them in meeting these needs in an appropriate, effective ways.

Children and adolescents undergo significant changes in brain development and hormone regulation, as they attempt to establish a personal identity and learn to relate to others during this critical time in their development. While this may subject them to higher incidence of emotional distress, it also makes them particularly receptive to positive influences in emotional and behavioral learning. When a child’s/adolescent’s response to life's pressures becomes severe, disrupting their daily functioning and interfering with age-appropriate development, professional psychotherapy may be warranted.
Some warning signs...
Uncharacteristic Behavior - a youth’s reaction to the parents’ divorce/separation involves unexpected academic failure, fear of sleeping alone or heightened anxiety.
Behavior that Interferes with Family Functioning - when a youth’s difficulties interfere with normal family functioning, such as school refusal or social anxiety.
Extreme Behavior - when a youth is exhibiting severe behavioral difficulties that are potentially life threatening such as cruelty to animals, setting fires, assaulting others, or is severely depressed and making remarks about committing suicide.
Developmental or Social Difficulties – when a youth is having difficulty focusing, remembering assignments, sitting still or understanding instruction. ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder
It is important to recognize that without appropriate and timely treatment a youth’s problems may become severe and lead to more serious, long-lasting difficulties.